Agrico, Konst Research’s worldwide representative for it’s potato varieties, is headquartered in Emmeloord. Agrico is a large cooperative organisation and a huge producer of seed potatoes, with an output of some 375 thousand tonnes a year, 75 % of which is for export. Agrico exports more than 80 varieties to more than 75 countries al over the world.

Agrico Research
Agrico, Konst Research’s worldwide representative for it’s potato varieties, is headquartered in Emmeloord. Agrico is a large cooperative organisation and a huge producer of seed potatoes, with an output of some 375 thousand tonnes a year, 75 % of which is for export. Agrico exports more than 80 varieties to more than 75 countries al over the world.

Northern Konstar Ltd.
Northern Konstar Potatoes is located in Saskatchewan Canada and produces seed and table potatoes for the North American market. Konstar is specialized in growing mini gourmet potatoes. Konst Research has a special breeding program to develop varieties for that specific market. And both companies work close together in testing and introducing new promising varieties.
Plantum is the Dutch association for the plant reproduction material sector. The members of Plantum are active in breeding, propagation, production and trade of seeds, bulbs, tubers, cuttings and young plants. Plantum represents and promotes the interests of its members and, on behalf of the sector, acts as a discussion partner with government bodies and interest groups. Plantum’s focus is on consolidating the competitive position of the sector and of the groups of affiliated members on an international level. Plantum also initiates new developments and serves as a source of information for companies. Plantum enjoys broad national and international recognition as an authority and expert proponent of the interests of the plant reproduction material sector in the Netherlands.